Pennsylvania Governor, Josh Shapiro, and Pennsylvania State Representative for the 42nd District, Dan Miller, with members of the Upper St. Clair Democratic Committee.
- Join us Saturday, May 3rd, for a pierogi making extravaganza at the MAC kitchen!
We’re aiming to break our record by making 1400 pierogi for Community Day, and we need your help. We are asking for 3 hours of your time, or any amount you are able, starting around 9 am and working until the last pierogi is pinched. Shifts include the following, but are flexible 9-12, 10-1, 1-4 and 4-? Community Day is our biggest fundraiser for the year, so your help is integral. Pierogi making is also a great way to meet others in our dem community! Email us and let us know what time you’re available. We’ll add you to the schedule and send out more details as we get closer to Pierogi Making Day!
- USC Dems Cookbook Fundraiser! Please submit your recipes to USCdemRecipes@gmail.com
- Community Day Booth Volunteers & Parade Walkers!
More info to come, please mark May 17th on your calendars!
- USC Unity Signs
A community member is gauging interest for USC Unity yard signs. Please fill out the form!