Congressman Conor Lamb will be stopping by the 4pm South Hills rally in Mt. Lebanon to thank us for standing up for voting rights and raising awareness about the importance of the For The People Act. PA Supreme Court nominee Maria McLaughlin will also be joining us at the rally. H. R. 1, the comprehensive voter protection bill, passed in the House of Representatives months ago. But the companion bill in the Senate, S. B. 1, has been filibustered by Republicans and now stands in peril of not even coming up for debate. In response, more than 70 voting rights and allied organizations have launched Deadline For Democracy, a massive cross-movement mobilization, to show senators from all 50 states that there is overwhelming grassroots support for voting rights and the elimination of dark money and gerrymandering. There are honk-and-wave sidewalk rallies planned on Friday, July 2, in the South, East, and North areas of the region (note: each rally is at a different time). Please join at whichever location is most convenient (or locate another event on the Indivisible map). There will be an event in Mt. Lebanon at the corner of Washington and Cochran Roadson Friday, July 2 at 4:00 pm. We’ll be forming a human billboard so that passing motorists can read our message: PASS SENATE BILL 1 FOR THE PEOPLE ACT. We’ll need 8 people to hold signs, one for each word (signs will be provided). If you bring your own sign, we recommend short, easy-to-read messages like STOP VOTER SUPPRESSION, END GERRYMANDERING, NO MORE DARK MONEY. Flags and other props are welcome. The event is rain or shine, except in the case of dangerous weather (lightning or heavy rain). You can just show up, but if you want to participate in the human billboard or receive updates about the event, please sign up here. If you live in the eastern part of the city or its suburbs, please join the rally by Indivisible Forest Hills at 5:00 pm at the corner of Ardmore Blvd and Braddock Roads in Forest Hills, PA 15221.
If you live in the northern part of the city or its suburbs, please join the rally by Progress PA at 3:00 pm at the Wexford Post Office, 10675 Perry Highway, Wexford, PA 15090.